Daily Archives: January 3, 2019

Check out the Latest On Balance Podcast: A National Movement for Cultural Change

OnbalancepodcastThe latest episode of the State Bar of Michigan’s On Balance podcast features Terry Harrell, executive director of the Indiana Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program. In this episode of On Balance, hosts JoAnn Hathaway and Tish Vincent talk to Terry Harrell about her work with the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being and what many see as a need for complete cultural shift. They also discuss the task force’s “Well-Being Report,” a resource for encouraging wellness that lawyers and legal employers can use in their firms.

On Balance, on the Legal Talk Network, delivers useful and entertaining ideas on managing life as a lawyer. To subscribe to On Balance in iTunes, follow two easy steps: 1. Using your mobile device, click on this link, or enter this link in your browser: http://ow.ly/HOOZ30hZOy1. 2. Click the purple "Subscribe" button that shows up right under the name of the podcast. To access On Balance in Google Play, follow these three steps: 1. Using your mobile device, click this link, or enter this link in your browser: http://ow.ly/GDas30hYSEy. 2. Click the subscribe button (located just beneath the On Balance logo). 3. Click the subscribe button that appears in the pop-up.

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